Rock Climbing Wall in Schools

An ACHIEVA Rock Climbing Wall comes To YOU!

Rock climbing is a demanding sport that is practiced on a rock climbing wall when the actual mountain is not available therefore the rock climbing wall is used in early training before heading outside. The practice tests a climber’s strength, endurance, agility, and balance along with mental control. Navigating routes demands a climber to judge their individual abilities, which incorporate reach, strength and energy required to complete each step. With the security of the harness, climbers can reach heights at their own comfort level.

People love ACHIEVA CLIMBING! We are proud to introduce young people to the excitement and challenge of rock climbing, both indoors and outdoors. We are new on the scene, therefore here to bring our successful Rock Climbing wall program that both challenges and inspires!

We are helping more people learn and experience the thrill of a mobile climbing wall. We want to come to your school; and introduce you to the idea, providing first hand experience.

Give us a call today (408) 666-9009

Call us today and let ACHIEVA CLIMBING bring our mobile trailer "tilt up" Rock Climbing Wall to your school. We offer our service to all Bay Area Schools, especially those that do not have the option of offering rock climbing to pupils as part of the physical education curriculum.

We recognize that every school is unique and different therefore we work with individual schools to tailor a program distinctively for the students and needs of your particular school.  We always work within the framework of each school district selected, in order to provide skilled trainers and professional teaching support staff, to initiate our Rock Climbing wall program in your school.

Support with an Achieva Rock Climbing Wall

Conquering the fear of heights empowers young climbers and helps them to build confidence and self-esteem.

When Achieva Climbing brings a rock climbing wall to a school or event, the Company staff is there to provide helpful advice and training. Not only do young climbers experience the more fitting route for a particular level, but Achieva provides a guide on how to track progress. Whether first time rock climbing wall climbers or experienced, climbers encounter an exciting new challenge every time.


Focus & Concentration

Mental focus and concentration in young children improve significantly after engaging is structured physical activity. We believe in helping kids reach higher.

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Growing Strong

We are honored to introduce young people to climbing and every day making a difference in lives. Introducing people to the rewarding challenge of climbing is something you can do.

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How Climbing Helps

Physical activity not only benefits the body, but benefits the mind. Climbing is the fastest growing sport in the nation and the benefits are more than you can imagine.

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An Achieva Rock Climbing Wall

Conquering the fear of heights empowers young climbers and helps them to build confidence and self-esteem. When Achieva Climbing brings a climbing wall to a school or event, the Company staff is there to provide helpful advice and training. Not only do young climbers experience the more fitting route for a particular level, but Achieva therefore provides a guide on how to track progress. Whether first time climbers or experienced, climbers encounter a new exciting path and challenge every time.


You're Closer Than Ever Before To Greatness!


is partnering with the local school districts, the out door sport manufacturers, the community at large and the climbing leadership of the state, to mentor and train at risk youth.